Writing a boolean expression parser in Elixir using NimbleParsec

Lately I spent some time writing a parser using NimbleParsec and was really pleased with how the library works. So I decided to write up a small tutorial on building a parser for boolean logic and how I approached building the grammar and the parser.

This is what we will attempt to parse:

  • true and false The boolean constants
  • () Grouping of expressions
  • not Negation of expressions
  • and Logical conjunction of expressions
  • or Logical disjunction of expressions

Precedence rules

To correctly parse boolean expressions we need to take into account the operator precedence rules. They are listed underneath from highest to lowest precedence.

# (highest to lowest)
() -> not -> and -> or

# Some examples how precedence rules apply:
A || B && C     ==  (A || (B && C))
(A || B) && C   ==  ((A || B) && C)
! A && B && C   ==  (((!A) && B) && C)

Grammar for our language

Lets get started by defining an EBNF for our language. To be honest for me this is where I spent most of the time. Once the grammar is defined, the implementation in NimbleParsec is just a walk in the park.

We will build it up while we go along.


Lets define our true and false values, and begin defining our expression as one of these constants.

<expr> :== <const>
<const> :== "true" | "false"

Grouping expressions

Now that we have our constants defined we can start implementing the operators following the operator precedence. First one to tackle is: (), which allows grouping expressions.

<expr> :== "(" <expr> ")" | <const>
<const> :== "true" | "false"

As you can see the <expr> just became recursive. It is not that powerful yet because we only have <const> in our grammar, but it will be pretty amazing later on.


Lets make it possible to negate our <expr>, our grammar becomes:

<expr> :== <not> <expr> | "(" <expr> ")" | <const>
<const> :== "true" | "false"
<not> :== "!"

With our grammar so far we can declare expressions like:



So this one is a bit more involved, basically we want to make it possible to repeat the and operator zero or multiple times:

<expr> && <expr> && <expr>

We are going to rename the <expr> we had previously defined into <factor> so we can optionally repeat it. Furthermore we will add the <and> operator.

Our grammar now becomes:

<expr> :== <factor> {<and> <factor>}
<factor> :== <not> <factor> | "(" <expr> ")" | <const>
<const> :== "true" | "false"
<not> :== "!"
<and> :== "&&"

In EBNF {...} means 0 or multiple repetitions of what is inside the braces. So <factor> {<and> <factor>} reads as <factor> optionally followed by multiple <and> <factor>

Its worth noting that we did not change the "(" <expr> ")" inside <factor>


Finishing with the: or operator, basically this operator is just like the <and> operator, and like in the previous step joins the <expr> zero or multiple times:

<expr> || <expr> || <expr>

Again we rename the <expr> we had previously defined, this time into <term>. And we add the <or> operator.

Our grammar finally becomes:

<expr> :== <term> {<or> <term>}
<term> :== <factor> {<and> <factor>}
<factor> :== <not> <factor> | "(" <expr> ")" | <const>
<const> :== "true" | "false"
<not> :== "!"
<and> :== "&&"
<or>  :== "||"

Again we did not change the "(" <expr> ")" inside <factor>

Parser implementation

Ok, now we can start building our parser using the grammar we defined above.

Some remarks:

  • I will not add any whitespace handling to keep the code concise. You can have a look at https://github.com/slapers/ex_sel which handles whitespaces and adds arithmetics and comparison operations.

  • You can find the parser in the following gist

Project setup

Create a new project using mix:

$ mix new parser
$ cd parser

Edit the mix.exs file and add the nimble parsec dependency:

defp deps do
  [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.4"}]

Install the dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

Parser code and tests

defmodule Parser do
  import NimbleParsec

  not_ = string("!") |> label("!")
  and_ = string("&&") |> replace(:&&) |> label("&&")
  or_ = string("||") |> replace(:||) |> label("||")
  lparen = ascii_char([?(]) |> label("(")
  rparen = ascii_char([?)]) |> label(")")

  # <const> :== "true" | "false"
  true_ = string("true") |> replace(true) |> label("true")
  false_ = string("false") |> replace(false) |> label("false")
  const = choice([true_, false_]) |> label("boolean")

  # <factor> :== <not> <expr> | "(" <expr> ")" | <const>
  negation = not_ |> ignore |> parsec(:factor) |> tag(:!)
  grouping = ignore(lparen) |> parsec(:expr) |> ignore(rparen)
  defcombinatorp(:factor, choice([negation, grouping, const]))

  # <term> :== <factor> {<and> <factor>}
    |> repeat(and_ |> parsec(:factor))
    |> reduce(:fold_infixl)

  # <expr> :== <term> {<or> <term>}
    |> repeat(or_ |> parsec(:term))
    |> reduce(:fold_infixl)

  defp fold_infixl(acc) do
    |> Enum.reverse()
    |> Enum.chunk_every(2)
    |> List.foldr([], fn
      [l], [] -> l
      [r, op], l -> {op, [l, r]}

And to top it off some tests:

defmodule ParserTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  doctest Parser

  defp parse(input), do: input |> Parser.expr() |> unwrap
  defp unwrap({:ok, [acc], "", _, _, _}), do: acc
  defp unwrap({:ok, _, rest, _, _, _}), do: {:error, "could not parse" <> rest}
  defp unwrap({:error, reason, _rest, _, _, _}), do: {:error, reason}

  @err "expected boolean while processing !, " <>
         "followed by factor or (, followed by expr, followed by ) or boolean"

  test "parses consts" do
    assert true == parse("true")
    assert false == parse("false")
    assert {:error, @err} == parse("1")

  test "parses negations" do
    assert {:!, [true]} == parse("!true")
    assert {:!, [false]} == parse("!false")

  test "parses conjunctions" do
    assert {:&&, [{:!, [true]}, false]} == parse("!true&&false")
    assert {:!, [{:&&, [false, true]}]} == parse("!(false&&true)")

  test "parses disjunctions" do
    assert {:||, [true, {:&&, [true, false]}]} == parse("true||true&&false")
    assert {:&&, [{:||, [true, true]}, false]} == parse("(true||true)&&false")
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